Mathematical functions
Source: | x = | |
In degrees (for radians): | x * π / 180 = | |
In radians (for degrees): | x * 180 / π = | |
Sine (for °): | sin x = | |
Cosine (for °): | cos x = | |
Tangent (for °): | tg x = | |
Arcsine (for °): | arcsin x = | ° |
Arccosine (for °): | arccos x = | ° |
Arctangent (for °): | arctg x = | ° |
The power of e: | ex = | |
Natural logarithm: | logex = | |
Power: Number in power: |
y = xy = |
Square root: | √ x = | |
1 / x: | 1 / x = |
Mathematical functions-sine, cosine, tanges, arcsinus, arccosine, arctangent, logarithm, square root, degree, etc.
The JavaScript Math object contains methods for working with trigonometric, logarithmic, and other mathematical functions.